
The GSModalBottomSheet presents a modal bottom sheet which slides up from the bottom of the screen to display content that requires user interaction or additional information. It offers a variety of customization options and is commonly used for tasks such as displaying contextual actions, filtering options, or user input forms.
API Reference
This is an illustration of a Themed GSModalBottomSheet widget with default configuration.

    import 'package:gluestack_ui/gluestack_ui.dart';

      size: GSButtonSizes.$lg,
      child: const GSButtonText(text: "Open Bottom Sheet"),
      onPressed: () {
          context: context,
          builder: (BuildContext context) {
            return SizedBox(
              child: Center(
                child: Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  children: <Widget>[
                    const GSText(text: "MODAL BOTTOM SHEET"),
                    const SizedBox(
                      height: 100,
                      variant: GSButtonVariants.outline,
                      size: GSButtonSizes.$md,
                      onPressed: () {
                      child: const GSButtonText(text: "Close"),

API Reference

  • showModalBottomSheet: This static method is used to show the modal bottom sheet. It requires a BuildContext and a WidgetBuilder which returns the content to be displayed within the bottom sheet. It also accepts various optional parameters for customization such as style, background color, shape, clip behavior, constraints, and more.


To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import "package:gluestack_ui/gluestack_ui.dart"

Widget Parameters

  • context: A required parameter of type BuildContext which is used to access the context within which the bottom sheet is displayed.
  • builder: A required parameter of type WidgetBuilder which is a callback function responsible for building the content of the bottom sheet.
  • style: An optional parameter of type GSConfigStyle which allows you to define custom styles for the bottom sheet, such as text color, font size, etc.
  • backgroundColor: An optional parameter of type Color which defines the background color of the bottom sheet.
  • barrierLabel: An optional parameter of type String which provides a description for the modal barrier, used for accessibility purposes.
  • shape: An optional parameter of type BoxShape which defines the shape of the bottom sheet, such as rounded corners or a circular shape.
  • borderRadius: An optional parameter of type GSBorderRadius which defines the border radius of the bottom sheet, allowing you to customize the roundedness of the corners.
  • boxShadow: An optional parameter of type List<BoxShadow> which allows you to add drop shadows to the bottom sheet for visual depth.
  • clipBehavior: An optional parameter of type Clip which defines how the content of the bottom sheet is clipped, such as whether it should be clipped to its bounding box.
  • constraints: An optional parameter of type BoxConstraints which allows you to define constraints for the size of the bottom sheet.
  • barrierColor: An optional parameter of type Color which defines the color of the modal barrier behind the bottom sheet.
  • isScrollControlled: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether the bottom sheet should be scrollable when its content exceeds the available space.
  • scrollControlDisabledMaxHeightRatio: An optional parameter of type double which defines the maximum height ratio at which scrolling is disabled for the bottom sheet.
  • useRootNavigator: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether to use the root navigator when showing the bottom sheet.
  • isDismissible: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether the bottom sheet can be dismissed by tapping on the modal barrier.
  • enableDrag: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether the bottom sheet can be dragged up and down by the user.
  • showDragHandle: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether to display a drag handle for the bottom sheet, allowing users to easily drag it.
  • useSafeArea: An optional parameter of type bool which specifies whether to use the safe area of the screen for displaying the bottom sheet, ensuring it is not obscured by system UI elements.
  • routeSettings: An optional parameter of type RouteSettings which allows you to specify additional settings for the bottom sheet route, such as the name and arguments.
  • transitionAnimationController: An optional parameter of type AnimationController which allows you to specify a custom animation controller for controlling the transition animation of the bottom sheet.
  • anchorPoint: An optional parameter of type Offset which allows you to specify the anchor point for the bottom sheet, determining the point from which it slides up.
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