
The GSStepper widget is a customizable step indicator for Flutter, enabling users to guide through a series of steps in a structured manner. This widget can be used to create step-based forms, processes, or tutorials with various styles and configurations.
API Reference
This is an illustration of a Themed GSStepper widget with default configuration.

    import 'package:gluestack_ui/gluestack_ui.dart';
      currentStep: _index,
      size: GSSizes.values[context.knobs
          .options(label: 'Size', initial: 1, options: sizeOptions)],
      onStepCancel: () {
        if (_index > 0) {
          setState(() {
            _index -= 1;
      onStepContinue: () {
        if (_index <= 0) {
          setState(() {
            _index += 1;
      onStepTapped: (int index) {
        setState(() {
          _index = index;
      steps: <GSStep>[
          title: const Text('Onboarding'),
          content: Container(
            alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
            child: const Text('Welcome!!'),
          title: const Text('Project Setup'),
          content: Container(
            alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
            child: const Text('Setup the base project.'),
          title: const Text('Code'),
          content: Container(
            alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
            child: const Text('Start your coding journey.'),

API Reference


To use this widget in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import "package:gluestack_ui/gluestack_ui.dart"


  • steps: List<GSStep> - The list of steps to be displayed.
  • currentStep: int - The index of the currently active step.
  • onStepTapped: ValueChanged<int>? - Callback when a step is tapped.
  • onStepContinue: VoidCallback? - Callback when the continue button is tapped.
  • onStepCancel: VoidCallback? - Callback when the cancel button is tapped.
  • style: GSStyle? - Custom style for the stepper.
  • controller: ScrollController? - Controller for the stepper scroll.
  • physics: ScrollPhysics? - Scroll physics for the stepper.
  • controlsBuilder: ControlsStepperWidgetBuilder? - Custom builder for control buttons.
  • margin: EdgeInsetsGeometry? - Custom margin for the stepper.
  • connectorThickness: double? - Thickness of the connector lines between steps.
  • stepIconBuilder: StepIconBuilder? - Builder for custom step icons.
  • size: GSStepperSizes? - Size configuration for the stepper.
  • circleColor: Color? - Color of the step circles.
  • connectorLineColor: Color? - Color of the connector lines.
  • keepAllContentAlive: bool? - Whether to keep all step contents alive or not.

GSStep Properties

  • title: Widget - The title of the step.
  • subtitle: Widget? - The subtitle of the step.
  • content: Widget - The content of the step.
  • state: GSStepState - The state of the step (indexed, editing, complete, disabled, inactive, error).
  • isActive: bool - Whether the step is active or not.
  • label: Widget? - Custom label for the step.

GSStepState Enum

  • indexed: Displays the step index.
  • editing: Displays a pencil icon.
  • complete: Displays a check mark.
  • disabled: Step is disabled.
  • inactive: Step is inactive.
  • error: Step has an error state.


  • currentStep: int - The index of the currently active step.
  • stepIndex: int - The index of the step.
  • onStepContinue: VoidCallback? - Callback for the continue button.
  • onStepCancel: VoidCallback? - Callback for the cancel button.
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